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Self-adaptive Traits in Collective Adaptive Systems

Phan Cong VinhNguyen Thanh Tung

Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering Volume 144, 2015, pp 63-72

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An adaptive system is currently on spot: collective adaptive system (CAS), which is inspired by the socio-technical systems. In CASs, highest degree of adaptation is self-adaptation consisting of self-adaptive traits. The overarching goal of CAS is to realize systems that are tightly entangled with humans and social structures. Meeting this grand challenge of CASs requires a fundamental approach to the notion of self-adaptive trait. To this end, taking advantage of the coinductive approach we construct self-adaptation monoid to shape series of self-adaptive traits in CASs and some significant relations.


  • Adaptedness
  • Bisimulation
  • Coinduction
  • Collective adaptive system
  • Equivalence
  • Self-adaptation
  • Self-adaptive trait
  • Series



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