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The 6th IEEE Conference on Innovative Technologies in Intelligent Systems & Industrial Applications

Dear Colleagues,

Please consider contributing and/or forward to the appropriate groups the following opportunity to submit and publish original scientific results to:

The Special Session on Advanced Software Engineering and Applications (SASEA 2020) is a special session of CITISIA 2020 Conference, which is an annual international forum for academics, engineers, practitioners and research students to exchange their ideas, techniques, methods, and state-of-the-art applications for advanced software engineering. We invite the submission of both original research contributions and industry papers. At the SASEA, the researchers and practitioners will not only be able to share research solutions to problems of today’s software engineering society, but also identify new issues and directions for future related research and development work.

SASEA papers will be published in the conference proceeding by IEEE and will be sent to IEEE Xplore, DBLP, Scopus and other online digital libraries. Accepted papers will be selected to publish on high-ranked journals in WoS/Scopus lists.

Important Dates:

Full Paper Submission Date:              13th September 2020 (extended)

Notification of Acceptance Date:       23rd September 2020

Final Paper Submission Date:            23rd October 2020

Fee: USD250


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