Kính gửi Quý Thầy/Cô
Phòng Khoa học Công nghệ đã làm việc với Department of Computer Science and Engineering – Kyung Hee University
Và Qua trao đổi thì có hỗ trợ một số xuất học bổng cho Sinh viên (vừa tốt nghiệp) hay Giảng viên (Nội dung chi tiết đính kèm)
Nếu cầu cung cấp thêm thông tin, Quý Thầy Cô có thể liên lạc:
- Nguyễn Văn Dũng: ngvandung85@khu.ac.kr
PGS.TS. Bạch Long Giang: blgiang@ntt.edu.vn hay egov cho để có thêm các chi tiết
Opportunity for MS and PhD in South Korea
Networking Lab of Kyung Hee University (KHU), South Korea is looking for applications from bright and enthusiastic studentsintending to pursue research-based higher study on communications and networking for the upcoming spring semester, which willbe started from September 2019
Few words about Networking Lab, Kyung Hee University:
Networking lab has commenced its expedition towards immense realm of research in the field of communications and advancednetworking in the year 1999, under the guidance of Professor Choong Seon Hong. Since then this lab is performing qualityresearch in this area. Mission of the lab is to perform innovative research in the areas of Internet networking. Members of thelab are investigating wireless/ mobile & Future Internet such as routing protocols and algorithms, transport & MAC layer protocols,resource management & service protocols, performance evaluations of networking systems, mobile communication systems,network control & management, network security and so on. Research environment of the lab is a combination of earnestendeavor of quality students from different countries sharing a wide variety of state-of-the-art of technological knowledge. Westrongly believe that our dedicated effort will certainly add values to operation towards improving the environment of informationand communication technology (ICT).
- Conducthigh quality research in emerging areas of wireless networking, mobile computing, multimedia communications,network security, Future Internet, cloud computing and IoT Services.
- Disseminateresearch results through journal and conference publications, technical reports, and public domain software.
- Trainstudents and personnel in state-of-the-art networking technology. Develop workforce to meet needs of the”Networking Corridor” in the World.
- Interactwith industries and research organizations for collaborations, technology transfer, student internships andplacements.
- Workon the state-of–the-art research projects for industries.
- Fosterinterdisciplinary research programs.
Ongoing research areas:
- Wireless/MobileNetworking
- CognitiveRadio Networks
- NetworkSecurity
- Adhoc Networks
- FutureInternet Issues (CCN, SDN, Cloud Computing, etc)
- BodySensor Networks
- Machineto Machine Networks
- IoT(Internet of Things) Services
- NetworkManagement
- WebServices
- SoftwarePlatforms
- SoftwareDefined Networking/Network Function Virtualization
- 5GNetworking
- CloudComputing
- DataCenter Network
- VehicularNetworking
For more information, please visit our site http://networking.khu.ac.kr
Networking lab offers the following schemes to support educational and living expenses:
- Monthlyscholarship for the students
- DuringMS Course : 7,00,000 KRW
- DuringPhD Course 1,000,000 KRW
- Fulltuition fees for both MS and PhD Courses
- GovernmentHealth Insurance
- Fullsupport to expenditures for attending international conferences
*We believe that the above scholarship is not short for living in Korea.
Students completing their PhDs from Networking Lab might get the following opportunities
- Continuingpost-doctoral research
- Employmentopportunity at Korean IT companies, universities, research institutes, etc.
To qualify primarily for the scholarship, applicants should have:
- ForMS leading PhD Candidates:
o BS or BE in the field related to Information and Computer Engineering Technologies or Electronic Engineering.
o Preferably IELTS band score 6.0 or Equivalent TOEFL score (213 CBT) or corresponding Englishcapability
o Excellent academic back ground, preferably CGPA 3.5 and above
- ForPhD Candidates:
o MS, MCS or M.Sc. in the field related to Information and Communication Technologies
o Preferably IELTS band score 6.0 or Equivalent TOEFL score (213 CBT) or corresponding Englishcapability
o Excellent academic back ground, preferably CGPA 3.5 and above
o Preference will be given to the candidates having publications in well-known conferences and journals
- Documentsfrom all candidate students will be scrutinized first and a small number of them will be contacted for furtherdocuments. The final notification will be given by December 15, 2014
Interested candidates are requested to e-mail ngvandung85@khu.ac.kr along with the following documents ASAP.
- Academiccurriculum vita
- Fieldof interest not more than 100 words
- Scannedcopy of certificates, transcripts, documents that prove other stated qualifications.
For further assistance and information, e-mail to any of the following addresses: ngvandung85@khu.ac.kr
Best Regards, VanDung Nguyen
Ph.D Researcher,
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Kyung Hee University
Seocheon, Giheung, Yongin, Gyeonggi 446-701 Korea
Cell Phone: +82 10 4891 8830